February 2, 2025
CHMS Mission
Calavera Hills Middle School is a community of students, families, teachers and staff who are dedicated to providing a caring and safe environment in which students can pursue opportunities for greatness and growth.
Important Dates
2/3- Periods 1-6
2/4- Periods 1,3,5
2/5- Periods 2,4,6
2/6- Periods 1-6
Early Release @ 1:36 pm
2/7- Periods 1-6
2/14 President’s Weekend - No School
2/17 President’s Weekend - No School
Quote of the Week
"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." - Aesop.
Aesop emphasizes that even the smallest act of kindness can have a positive impact and is never truly insignificant. Let’s remind our students of the importance of showing kindness everyday.
Parent University
Come join us February 6, 2025 at Jefferson Elementary School from 2:30-3:30. Learn what programs your students are using. Learn about programs like Achieve 3000, Reading Tips, and Reading Resources.
Parents and students are welcome to attend the workshop.
Click here for more information. CUSD Parent University
Learning Lab
Learning Lab has an exciting change for the second semester- we will now be hosting Learning Lab in the library Monday-Thursday for consistency. *The library will still be opening at 8am to all students, who can also get help from teachers. All students in the library in the mornings will be expected to be working on school work. Learning Lab Flyer
Incoming 6th Grade for school year 2025/26 - Parent Orientation
* Feb. 26, 5-7pm: Incoming 6th Grade Parent Orientation
* Feb. 28, 8am-12pm: 5th Grade Transition Visit to CHM
* Mar. 3, 4-5pm and Mar. 6, 3-4pm: Incoming 6th Grade Parent Tours (must RSVP here)
Here is the information flier or parents can go to CHM 's webpage. For your reference, from the homepage, you go to departments-->Counseling-->Academics-->Incoming 6th Grade.
CHMS Career Day
We are seeking engaging speakers from various career industries for our Career Day on March 26, 2025. Click here for more information. Please email Lena to sign up to be a career day speaker:
EBikes & EBike Permits
Have a new e-bike rider in the family? Here are a few steps to take to make sure students are ready to ride safely. Review rules of the road together, including Carlsbad-specific rules for e-bikes and how to use green bike lanes. Don’t forget a well-fitting helmet and bike lights. Helmets are required for anyone under 18. Sign up for a bike safety class hosted by the Carlsbad Police Department.
Proof of the safety course completion certificate needs to be turned into the front office. Students who do not complete the approved course will not be permitted to ride their bike to school until the safety course is completed.
Mental Health Webinar Series 2025
San Diego County Office of Education in partnership with Rady’s Children’s Hospital will be hosting a series of webinars regarding mental health. Parents and guardians will be provided information on common mental health challenges faced by youth today. Please see attached flyers for topics, dates and times.
Mental Health Webinars- English
Mental Health Webinars- Spanish
Coyote Parent Crew
We are looking for Parent Volunteers at lunchtime each day. Our hope is to offer students a variety of activities to participate in each day during their lunchtime. If you have some flexibility in your day and are interested in coming on campus to work with our students, please fill out this form. If you are unavailable during the school day to come to campus, but still want to support students, we are also in need of donations/prizes for students. Sign up Here