Judi Stapleton
Calavera Hills Middle Schools
If you are visiting campus, please check in at the front office.
You will be asked to sign in at the front desk. You will also be asked to leave your driver's license/ID and will be given a visitor/volunteeer badge. Please check out at the front office to pick up your ID and return your visitor/volunteer badge before you leave campus.
Only adults listed on the student’s emergency card may pick up a student from school.
If you have a new address or phone number, please be sure to notify the Attendance Office within 5 days.
A parent or guardian’s signature is required to remove a student from school grounds.
To leave the campus at any time, a student must provide a note from home stating the time and reason for the absence. A student must show the note to get a “permit to Leave School Grounds” from the Attendance Office. At the appropriate time, a student with a permit may wait outside the Attendance Office to meet his/her parent. If a parent doesn’t send a note, the parent may call in the absence request. In this case, the parent will need to come to the Attendance Office to sign for the student’s release.
Any absence needs to be cleared within 48 hours, or it is considered a truancy for which Saturday School or detentions may be assigned. We therefore request a telephone call to CHMS Attendance Hotline, 760-331-6470. This is a 24-hour Voice Mail system. Parents/Guardians will be asked to leave a message verifying the absence. If the automated “Phone Master” system contacts your home regarding an absence, please stay on the line until the end and if you are the parent or guardian, you can leave a message for the Attendance Office.
Carlsbad Unified School District (CUSD) places a high priority on student safety, both in our schools and on the way to school. Each day you place your children’s safety in the hands of CUSD employees, and you also place your trust in the community in which you live. The tips noted below (from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children) will help families lessen the opportunity for abduction and better safeguard their children.
- Teach your children to run away from danger, never toward it. Danger is anyone or anything invading their personal space. If anyone should try to grab them, tell them to make a scene; loudly yell this person is not my father/mother/guardian; and make every effort to get away by kicking, screaming, and resisting. Their safety is more important than being polite. Teach your children if they are ever followed in a vehicle to turn around and run in the other direction to you or another trusted adult.
- Never let your children go places alone, and always supervise your young children or make sure there is a trusted adult present to supervise them if you cannot. Make sure your older children always take a friend when they go anywhere.
- Know where your children are and whom they are with at all times. Remind children never to take anything or respond in any way if approached by anyone they don’t know. Teach them to run away as quickly as possible to you or another trusted adult.
- Talk openly to your children about safety and encourage them to tell you or a trusted adult if anyone or anything makes them feel scared, uncomfortable, or confused. Discuss security issues with your children so they will understand the need for precautions. Advise your older children about steps they may take to help safeguard themselves. Know your children’s friends and their families. Pay attention to your children and listen to them. If you don’t, there’s always someone else who will. And others may have ulterior motives for befriending your children.
- Practice what you teach by creating “what if” scenarios with your children to make sure they understand the safety message and are able to use it in a real situation.
- Have a list of family members who could be contacted in case of an emergency. Designate a family member or close associate who would be able to fill the role of advisor in case of an emergency.
- Be alert to and aware of your surroundings. Know the “escape routes” and plan what you would do in different emergencies. Practice “what if” scenarios, so you will be well prepared. Know the location of local hospitals and best routes to take to reach them. Know how to reach the nearest local law enforcement agency or sub-station.
- Report any suspicious persons or activities to law enforcement. If you feel anyone in your family has been targeted or is being stalked, immediately report this information to law-enforcement authorities. Do not wait.
- Remember you are your best resource for better safeguarding your family. Do not become complacent about personal security issues.
- The P3 platform enables the public to share information anonymously with Crime Stoppers programs, Law Enforcement entities, schools, and large corporations around the world. If you have crime or safety related information that may be deemed useful in your community, submit a tip via this web page – or download the P3 Community App via the links on this page. Your anonymity is protected at all times. In many cases, your information may be eligible for a reward offered by a local program. If your information relates to students or campus safety in your community, please visit P3 Campus online.