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CHMS Newsletter 3/16/25

Posted Date: 3/16/25 (4:00 PM)



March 16, 2025  

CHMS Mission 

Calavera Hills Middle School is a community of students, families, teachers and staff who are dedicated to providing a caring and safe environment in which students can pursue opportunities for greatness and growth.

Important Dates

Regular Bell Schedule 

3/17- Periods 1-6

3/18- Periods 1,3,5

3/19- Periods 2,4,6

3/20- Periods  1-6 

Early Release @ 1:36 pm

3/21- Periods 1-6 

4/07-4/14- Spring Break

Quote of the Week

"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud" - Maya Angelou 

Maya Angelou’s words remind us that even the smallest acts of kindness can brighten someone’s day. Just like a rainbow appears after a storm, you have the power to bring hope and positivity to those around you. A simple smile, a kind word, or offering a helping hand can make a huge difference in someone’s life, especially if they’re having a tough time.  At CHMS, let’s challenge ourselves to be that rainbow for others. Whether it’s including someone who feels left out, encouraging a friend, or showing appreciation for a teacher or staff member, every act of kindness makes our school a better place. How will you be a rainbow for someone this week?

Social Media Concerns

Social media platforms like TikTok have become integral to the lives of middle school students, offering avenues for creativity, connection, and entertainment. However, it's crucial to recognize and address the potential risks these platforms pose to young adolescents' social development, mental well-being. Excessive use of social media has been linked to increased rates of depression, anxiety, and loneliness among teenagers. The constant exposure to idealized images and curated lives on platforms like TikTok can lead to body dissatisfaction and low self-esteem. The anonymity and accessibility of social media can facilitate cyberbullying, exposing youth to harassment and social exclusion. Victims of cyberbullying are more likely to experience emotional distress, depression, and even suicidal thoughts.  Top Doctor Says Kids Shouldn’t Get Phones Before Age 14. 

Many adolescents develop an unhealthy attachment to social media, spending excessive time online at the expense of face-to-face interactions, sleep, and physical activity. This addiction can contribute to poor academic performance and disrupted sleep patterns. How Social Media Affects Teenagers.

Recommendations for Parents and Educators

  • Open Dialogue: Engage in regular conversations with children about their online activities and experiences.

  • Set Boundaries: Establish clear guidelines for screen time and encourage offline activities.

  • Monitor Content: Be aware of the platforms and content children are accessing to ensure they are appropriate.  Be aware that many students have multiple accounts for platforms. Check accounts frequently. 

  • Educate on Digital Citizenship: Teach children about responsible online behavior and the potential risks associated with social media use.

By staying informed and proactive, we can help our middle school students navigate the digital world safely, fostering healthy social development and well-being.

Spirit Week March 17- 22

🍀 Monday, March 17 – WEAR GREEN – It’s lucky! Wear as much green as possible to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.

🌈 Tuesday, March 18 – Rainbow Colors (or Tie-Dye) – Get lucky and find what’s at the end of the rainbow by dressing in all the colors or your best tie-dye outfit!

🏆 Wednesday, March 19 – Gameday – Wear a lucky sports jersey or your favorite team’s gear.

đŸș Thursday, March 20 – School Spirit Day – Show your lucky school spirit by rocking your Calavera Hills gear or school colors!

😮 Friday, March 21 – Pajama Day – It’s your lucky day! Get cozy and wear your favorite PJs to school.

Sage Creek Incoming 9th Grade Counselor Sessions Spanish 

Sage Creek High School counseling department is offering sessions for Spanish speaking incoming 9th grade students. Sessions are by last name for Spanish speaking students. Due to space limitations, please attend your assigned 45 minute allotted session only.

 Sage Creek School Counselor Session

CHS Fashion Pathway

Did you know that Carlsbad High School has a Fashion Design program that is part of the CTE Pathway?  Check out this video made by CHS students for more information. 

CHE Lion King Jr.

Join us in the Coyote Cavern as students from CHE perform Lion King Jr. 

March 20-March 23rd Lion King Jr. Flier

Tickets available to purchase (cash or check) from Miss Vangie in the

Calavera Hills School office during regular school hours. A limited number of

tickets will also be available for purchase at the box office (cash, check or credit

card) 1 hour before each performance. Please contact Kym Szalkiewicz with

questions at 760‐703‐2379 /

(2 and under free and a small section of seats in the front will be offered for

children 10 and under on a first‐come, first‐serve basis.)

CHMS Career Day

We are seeking engaging speakers from various career industries for our Career Day on March 26, 2025. Click here for more information.  Please email Lena to sign up to be a career day speaker: 

Learning Lab

Learning Lab has an exciting change for the second semester- we will now be hosting Learning Lab in the library Monday-Thursday for consistency.  *The library will still be opening at 8am to all students, who can also get help from teachers.  All students in the library in the mornings will be expected to be working on school work.  Learning Lab Flyer

EBikes & EBike Permits 

Have a new e-bike rider in the family? Here are a few steps to take to make sure students are  ready to ride safely. Review rules of the road together, including Carlsbad-specific rules for e-bikes and how to use green bike lanes.  Don’t forget a well-fitting helmet and bike lights. Helmets are required for anyone under 18. Sign up for a bike safety class hosted by the Carlsbad Police Department. 

Proof of the safety course completion certificate needs to be turned into the front office.  Students who do not complete the approved course will not be permitted to ride their bike to school until the safety course is completed.

Coyote Parent Crew 

We are looking for Parent Volunteers at lunchtime each day.  Our hope is to offer students a variety of activities to participate in each day during their lunchtime.  If you have some flexibility in your day and are interested in coming on campus to work with our students, please fill out this form.  If you are unavailable during the school day to come to campus, but still want to support students, we are also in need of donations/prizes for students.  Sign up Here